Pool Info
Welcome to the 2023 pool season!!  The pool will open Saturday May 27th this year.  You can download a Pool Waiver in the link below.  Waivers must be filled out and turned in to us in order to access the pool area.  Glen Eagles IV residents must be current on their HOA Dues for access.  Glen Eagles Amended and Glen Eagles III residents can purchase a pass which is detailed below.  You may email the waiver to us at board@gleneaglesiv.com or mail it in to:
Glen Eagles IV HOA, PO Box 140425, Broken Arrow, OK 74014.  
Please be safe!  Do not visit the pool/park areas if you are sick or experiencing any symptoms of the COVID virus.  Please practice social distancing and remember to wash your hands and utilize hand sanitizer whenever possible.

Each year the HOA requires that ALL homeowners sign a waiver and provide a list of residents in their household. IF your household has changed or your property is a rental, please provide updated information for the current pool season. This document will be available to all HOME OWNERS. Please be sure to fill one out BEFORE you get your pool card.  We are making every effort to better monitor the pool use by only allowing residents the use of the pool--this includes residents of Glen Eagles IV (whose dues are current), residents of Glen Eagles Amended and Glen Eagles III who have purchased an annual pool/clubhouse membership. This is in accordance with our Covenants.
Download Pool Waiver Here
For information about obtaining a new or replacement pool pass please contact a board member.
Glen Eagles IV Residents:
Residents of Glen Eagles IV who are current on the HOA dues of $300 per year is eligible for a pool pass at no extra cost.
Glen Eagles Amended and Glen Eagles III Residents:
Inquiries for membership will be required to pay the annual fee of $225.00 for access to Glen Eagles IV park and pool areas. 
NOTE: If you lose your access card, a new replacement card will be $25.
*Use of the pool facility outside of the posted hours will be considered trespassing and the police will be notified.
*Vandalism and destruction of pool facilities and furnishings also will not be tolerated and will be reported to the police as well.
Remember, these facilities belong to ALL OF US! Misuse of the facilities and the damage and liability it creates-- costs ALL residents of the neighborhood including YOU!
  • Pool Season Begins:     (Saturday) Memorial Day Weekend
  • Pool Season Ends:       (Monday) Labor Day - End of day
  • Pool Hours:                 7 days a week - 10:00 am to 9:00 pm*
The above season is set and will be held as long as there is a Board in place to manage the Pool Season and other HOA business.... and as long as there are no maintenance problems with the pool.
  • All residents are responsible for the conduct of each member of their household and their guests while using the pool facility.
  • Each resident also has the right to enforce the rules while using the pool.
  • Clean up your area of any trash when leaving.
  • Organize chairs and tables to neat fashion before leaving.
  • Lower table umbrella's when leaving even if it was up when you got there.  Any damage to left open umbrella's due to wind or misuse will be to the account of the last person to use the umbrella when in good shape.
Pool Rules:
  • Use the pool at your own risk. NO Lifeguard on Duty.
  • Swimming alone is prohibited
  • No one under the age of 18 allowed without adult supervision.
  • Children who are not toilet trained must wear a swim diaper while in the swimming pool or wading pool.
  • No alcoholic beverages allowed.
  • No smoking or vaping in the fenced pool area. This does NOT mean go outside the gate and smoke. This means do NOT smoke within 25 feet of the pool/clubhouse area. (Thank You)
  • No glass containers of any kind allowed in the pool area.
  • No Diving.
  • No running around the pool area.
  • Shower prior to entering the pool.
  • Excessive body lotions should be removed prior to entering the pool
  • Do not play with life saving equipment (life preservers & emergency phone) or pool maintenance equipment.
  • Do not place furniture in the wading pool or swimming pool. (This is considered vandalism!)
  • No pets allowed in the pool area.
  • Follow any additional posted rules...please check windows facing the pool and the fence area as you enter/leave the pool are for further postings.
  • Do not enter the pool area if signs are posted stating the pool is closed regardless of the day and time.*
  • Use of the Pool is restricted to residents of the Glen Eagles IV neighborhood & up to 4 guests per household. Residents of Glen Eagles Amended and Glen Eagles III may also purchase annual passes. IF you do NOT have your access card with you, you may be asked to leave the pool area as this is proof you are a resident or have purchased a membership.
  • Violations of above conduct and rules can be acted upon by either witness of Board Member, witness of resident with camera recordings from HOA, or camera recordings alone.
  • Failure to comply with above conduct and rules will result in the violator being asked to leave the premises.  Since the pool belongs to the homeowners, any homeowner can and is expected to enforce the rules outlined above.
  • All Violations will be handled based upon judgment of HOA Board and severity of violation.
  • If violation resulted in damage and or labor fees; a written notice will be sent to the homeowner of the card that was logged in the system during the incident explaining the violation, if a fee is incurred the fee will be added to the account and the access card will be suspended until the fee is paid.
  • Violation fees will incur a 15% late fee added to the unpaid portion of the balance per month for non payment until balance is paid in full.
*Every attempt will be made to have the pool open for use during the posted days and hours. From time to time chemical imbalances or mechanical malfunction may require the pool to close for a few hours or days until the problem is fixed. For your own safety do not enter the pool area when the pool is closed.
If you have any questions or problems with the card access system, you can contact a board member through the "Contact Us" link.